Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stevia is A Super-Beauty Food

By Paige Donner

30 times sweeter than sugar, Stevia, the herb-derived non-caloric sweetener that has replaced those others recently, is actually a beauty remedy as well!
It comes from a small green plant (stevia rebaudiana) found in Paraguay, the native Guarani Indians have apparently always used it to sweeten their drinks.
It's also good for fruit salads and to sweeten whipped cream!
For your beauty regimen, its ultra-sweet power gives it its super hydrating properties, particularly for your entire body. Its "steviosides" not only moisturize but also soften the skin. Melvita makes an exquisite blend of thym infused honey and stevia called Apicosma that reveals ultra-soft, creamy rich and touchable arms, legs and all-over. You can also try blending some of your own beauty Super Potions using packets of Stevia that you find at your health food store.

Greening Beauty 

